Guidelines for Contributors
Articles submitted for publication must be typed in double spacing throughout and be submitted in electronic format. The word length for articles is 6000-8000 words, including notes and references. An abstract of up to 200 words should precede the main text, stating the intellectual problem/research question under consideration, the method the argument is addressed, and the main conclusions reached. The abstract should be accompanied by up to five key words. For reports and research notes, the preferred length is 2500-4000 words, with an abstract and three keywords. Book reviews are to be 800-1200 words long. A list of books available for review can be requested from the editors.
Titles and section headings should be clear and brief. Tables and figures should have short, descriptive titles. All footnotes to tables and their source(s) should be typed below the tables.
Essential notes should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text (in arabic numerals) and collected on a single page at the end of the text. References cited in the text should read thus: Arrow (1951: 23-4). All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and presented in full after the endnotes, using the following style (if the author(s) use reference software such as Endnote, they should format the bibliography using the style of the American Political Science Review).
Rabinowitz, George, and Stuart E. Macdonald. 1989. "A Directional Theory of Issue Voting." American Political Science Review 83(1): 93-121.
Mundell, Robert A. 1961. "A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas." The American Economic Review 51(4): 657-665.
Aldrich, John Herbert. 1995. Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Kitschelt, Herbert, Zdenka Mansfeldova, Radoslav Markovski, and Gabor Toka. 1999. Post-Communist Party Systems. Competition, Representation, and Inter-Party Cooperation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Horowitz, Donald L. 2002. "Constitutional Design: Proposals versus Processes." In The Architecture of Democracy : Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy, edited by A. Reynolds. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Patten, Chris. "EU Strategy in the Balkans." Speech by Commissioner Chris Patten to the International Crisis Group in Brussels, July 10, 2001 [cited April 2005]. Available from
On a separate letter, the author(s) should supply a short biography (one paragraph long), with a full mailing address, an email address, and telephone or fax numbers where applicable.
Author(s) are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders. Manuscripts should be submitted ONLY in electronic format.
Spelling. Articles in English language should use the American spelling of words. Articles in Albanian language should be written in the official Albanian literary language.
For questions of style not answered here, please consult articles published in the American Political Science Review or contact the editors of the Albanian Journal of Politics.