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Aims and Scope of AJP

The Albanian Journal of Politics (AJP) is currently published by Globic Press on behalf of the Albanian Political Science Association (ALPSA). AJP is a peer reviewed, academic publication aiming to provide a publication venue for members of ALPSA, as well as a forum for the academic study of Albanian politics and society. The AJP seeks to provide political insight on important problems as it emerges from rigorous, broad-based research and integrative thought. The AJP aspires to be engaging and illuminating while retaining the highest standards of scholarly excellence. The editors invite suggestions for articles, symposia, reviews, commentary, and dialogues from political scientists and ALPSA members seeking to address important issues and values in the study of politics

The Albanian Journal of Politics (AJP) is published in electronic and hard copy formats. Currently, AJP has two electronic issues per year, which are published in a single hard copy volume at the end of the year. The AJP aspires to become a venue to connect Albanian political science to the world and thus the editors strongly encourage submissions in English language. The journal welcomes submissions in Albanian language, and undertakes to publish important contributions in Albanian whenever possible.

(c) 2005-2010, Globic Press. All rights reserved.