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Letter from the Editors

Dear Visitor:

Welcome to the website of the the Albanian Journal of Politics (AJP). AJP is published by Globic Press on behalf of the Albanian Political Science Association (ALPSA).

The Albanian Journal of Politics is a peer reviewed, academic publication which aims to provide a publication venue for members of ALPSA, and a forum for the academic study of Albanian politics and society. AJP seeks to provide political insight on important problems as it emerges from rigorous, broad-based research and integrative thought. AJP aspires to be engaging and illuminating while retaining the highest standards of scholarly excellence. The Editors invite suggestions for articles, symposia, reviews, commentary, and dialogues from political scientists and ALPSA members seeking to address important issues and values in the study of politics.

The Editors are continuously welcoming submissions for the Journal. To submit an article, review essay or inquire about AJP book reviews, please, consult the submission guidelines or/and email us at ajp@alpsa.org.

The Albanian Journal of Politics is a new academic journal and as such it is not available in many academic libraries, yet. We would like to bring it to an academic library near you, and would appreciate your help in providing us with the contact information of the librarian responsible for East European studies or journal acquisitions in your institution. As soon as this information reaches us, we will send information letters and/or AJP sample copies to your institution’s library. With your help, we hope to establish a respectable academic publication that will contribute to the advancement of Albanian social sciences. Please, follow the links below to send us this contact information or download a subscription and order form for the Albanian Journal of Politics.

Click here to send us contact information of your institution's library

Click here to download a Subscription Form for AJP

Best wishes,

Ada Huibregtse
Fatmir Haskaj

(c) 2005-2010, Globic Press. All rights reserved.